
Deacon Yvonne Phinizy, Shirley, NY
As I was always uncomfortable and not satisfied with what I hearing ! Not learning anything that fed my soul . I saw a light and so I followed the light . .This was the best thing I have ever done . Looking for truth and knowledge, i found truth , wisdom and knowledge...I know that I am part of our Saviors kingdom and His kingdom building I thank God for Dr. Noreen Davis and Freshwinds Training. I now have a path to understanding Gods word and His ever lasting love for me.

Deacon Ronald and
Deacon Diane Keyes,
Port Jefferson, NY
2020 was one of the most challenging and revealing years of our lives. When churches on Long Island closed their doors to their congregants because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Freshwinds Training never missed a beat edifying the kingdom of God. My husband and I were blessed and encouraged in the Lord by taking two courses: "General Bible 1" and "Deacon Preparation". Both courses were taught by Reverend Dr. Noreen Davis. At first, my husband and I were apprehensive because we're both seniors citizens. However, Reverend Dr. Noreen Davis, our teacher,
assured us that we would be good students. She reminded us that we are royalty - Ambassadors for Christ. My husband and I did well. Thank you Reverend Dr. Noreen Davis. To God be the glory!
"Words alone cannot express how much your Actions and Teachings on Evangelism have influenced me Last year. My existence today proves your influence has been positive and life-Changing. My hands up pushing through for 2021. Thank you for caring about me.”
Evangelist Lisa Chew, Student
1) Labor & Religion Community Training Award - Nassau County Legislative Robert Troiano - 2012
2) Million Woman Community Development FRESHWINDS Training Center Certificate of Recognition -Town of Hempstead Supervisor Jonathan S. Kaiman
3) Betterment of Community United Service for Change Award Freshwinds Training Center - 9th Legislative District- YvetteClarke
4) Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone- Certificate of Appreciation Positive impact Award for FRESHWINDS Training Center for Haitian Community
5) Certificate of Recognition to Freshwinds training Center from Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory Majority Leader for Community work for Youth.
6) Citation for Outstanding Community Commitment to Freshwinds Training Center.
7) NYS ASSEMBLY CITATION FROM 11th District Assembly woman Kimberly Jean- Pierre
Grand opening of Freshwinds Training Center & Freshwinds Ministry the Church - 5/7/17
8) Congressman Steve Israel - Certificate of Special Recognition Freshwinds Ministry &Training Center. 2017
9) NYS Assembly Citation from Robert K. Sweeney for Community Development Freshwinds Ministry &Training Center
10) Town of Babylon- Richard Schaffer- Supervisor
Certificate of Recognition for Freshwinds Training Center for valuable and devoted community work. Year 2018