PNEUMATOLOGY | The Study of the Holy Spirit - This class will be an overview of the basic theological beliefs and lifestyle unique to the working of the Holy Spirit in today’s world. The course analyzes the biblical concepts and principles of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, Past, Present and Future. It examines the gifts of the Holy Spirit and indicates how contemporary Christians may personally relate to them.
Points of discussion:
Who is Holy Spirit?
The Personality of the Holy Spirit
Three Levels of Relationships
Empowered by the Spirit
The Spirit’s Language
Each student being able to develop their personal Philosophy of Ministry
Everyone in ministry should develop a philosophy of ministry. Beyond sketching out that broad philosophy of ministry, you can learn to develop a more specific philosophy tailored to your specific role.(Your calling). It is a narrative of who you are in the call and the lenses of your worldview on specific topics.
In this class, coming up with a philosophy of ministry isn’t about conjuring up some profound thoughts worth publishing in a book or writing an academic thesis. A philosophy is best if it is brief, readable, and personal.
TEXTBOOK REQUIRED: The Essential Guide to the Power of the Holy Spirit; God’s Miraculous Gifts at Work Today.
SCHOOL of THOUGHT - Everyone in ministry should develop a philosophy of ministry. Beyond sketching out that broad philosophy of Ministry you can develop a more specific philosophy. It is a narrative of who you are in the call and give you lenses of your view on specific topics.
STREET MINISTRY - Will show you how to set up and move toward a Kingdom vision of community revival. The work is extensive and spread out and we find today that we are widely separated from each other along the wall. This course will give strategies so when the trumpet sounds and the whole body comes together laying aside individual agendas and loving and serving in a visible way, God promises to use the Oneness of HIS BRIDE (the church) to bring people to the saving Knowledge of HIS SON. (John17:22-23)
WRITING CLASS MASTERCLASS - will introduce basic principles of writing proposals across a range of disciplines. It will present practical strategies, and it will include examples of successful proposals and thesis.
This course will introduce strategies for bridging the gap between coursework/beginning research and thesis writing. To help the student to understand the rhetorical situation of the thesis proposals and common elements of such proposals. To introduce practical rhetorical and grammatical principles of writing effective proposals and thesis. To provide the student with tips for drafting and revising individual sections of the proposal and thesis.
The courses listed below within the Undergraduate Program may be taken as a Biblical Studies Certificate or applied as a major concentration toward any of the following Distance learning online Bible degrees :
Chaplaincy Program (Certificate) - This is a 10 week intense program. The program teaches the importance of pastoral care/chaplaincy and counseling and how it is grounded in the proclamation of the Word of God in Christian ministry. Although many chaplains are ordained ministers, you don't have to be ordained to work as a chaplain, but you do have to have an endorsement or commission from your faith group. An endorsement may be obtained after satisfying specific education and training objectives outlined by an authority in your faith group. It is our prayer that you are richly blessed as you either begin or continue your work in this ministry of the Lord. Register
Leadership Program (Certificate) over 30 weeks in the following areas.
LP - 2020 - A Different Kind of Leader - *required. (3 credit hours) - Jesus, in Matthew 20, said that “the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” This is the kind of leadership the Bible talks about—this is servant leadership. This course helps the student learn how to apply these truths in the day in which we live.
LP - 2021 Biblical Leadership - *required - (3 credit hours) - "We have different gifts according to grace given us…..if it is leadership, let him govern diligently." (Rom. 12:6, 8)
LP - 2022 Know Your Bible – *required - (3 credit hours) - All 66 books explained and applied
LP - 2023 Lessons to Boost Your Leadership - (3 credit hours)
LP - 2025 The Sunday School Ministry - (3 credit hours) - Sunday School continues to be the front runner in the education of church ministry. The objectives are for students to gain a better understanding of how Sunday School began and its' role in Evangelism.
All disciplines and degree levels must take the following prerequisite courses unless otherwise approved for Waiver by FWA administration:
Creation Therapy - A Biblically Based Model for Christian Counseling by Richard Arno, Ph.D. & Phyllis Arno, Ph.D.
This course teaches accountability for each individual's actions and helps the reader understand who God created him or her to be.
The purpose of this course is to:
1. Provide the student with the Biblical, historic and scientific background of the theory of temperament and to provide evidence of the validity of this theory as a guide to understanding human behavior from a Christian perspective.
2. Teach the student the general behavior patterns of each temperament, how it affects every aspect of all our lives, and how to use this information to develop and maintain human relationships.
3. Introduce the student to a test called "Arno Profile System." this test, measures inborn temperament with an accuracy rate of over 90%.
4. Provide the student with a credible alternative to counseling/coaching techniques currently available to the Christian community. The therapeutic model taught in this course has a proven success rate of 93.4% this percentile is based on the therapy conducted with over 7,000 counselees.
5. Teach the student a faith-based approach to human behavior to better equip them to serve in lay-counseling or coaching that assists others in achieving long-term emotional and spiritual well-being
Associate of Biblical Studies - Courses leading to the Associate Degree require 60 credit hours and follow the format of the Bachelor Degree Courses.
BIB - 4023 Origins of the Bible – (3 credit hours) - Historically tracing and references of the original of the biblical canon. Students will gain insight and a great respect on the process of selecting the books of the bible (canon).
BIB - 4024 Doctrine of Man - 3 credit hours - This doctrine is not just restricted to Christianity but other religions recognize that because of this act of disobedience, man was separated from God, his creator.
BIB - 4025 Doctrine of Repentance - 3 credit hours - This course notes the significance of Godly repentance (turning from sin) and provides evidence that this act of submission and humility must happen before anyone can successfully move forward in a relationship with God. Without repentance there is still a separation between God and His creation.
BIB - 4026 Doctrine of Faith - I.- 3 credit hours - The Importance of the doctrine, it’s definition, in the Word of God, and in Prayer.
BIB - 4027 Doctrine of Regeneration - 3 credit hours - Regeneration/New Birth -. Its’ nature.
BIB - 4028 Doctrine of Justification - 3 credit hours - meaning, scripturally, pardon, and methods.
BIB - 4029 Doctrine of Adoption - 3 credit hours - The meaning of adoption – etymologically, scripturally, the time of adoption, and eternal.
BIB - 4030 Doctrine of Sanctification - 3 credit hours - Sanctification - its meaning, when it takes place, dedication unto God, used of the divine nature, instant, progressive, and complete.
BIB - 4031 Doctrine of Prayer - 3 credit hours - Scriptures reveal the large and important place which the doctrine of Prayer. The Christian life cannot be sustained without it; it is the Christian's vital breath. Its importance is seen when we recall: That the neglect of prayer is grievous to the Lord (Isa. 43:21, 22; 64:6, 7, R. V.). That many evils in life are to be attributed to the lack of prayer (Zeph. 1:4-6; Dan. 9:13, 14, cf. Hosea 7:13, 14; 8:13, 14).
BIB - 4032 Doctrine of the Scripture – 3 credit hours - I. NAMES AND TITLES. II. INSPIRATION, 3. VIEWS, 4. The claims of the scriptures. 5. THE CHARACTER (OR DEGREES) OF INSPIRATION.
BIB - 4033 Doctrine of the Church - 3 credit hours - I. Definitions/Distinctions II. the Founding of the Church, III. Membership in the Church, IV. The Church is Presented, V. The Ordinances of the Church, VI.
BIB - 4034 Doctrine of Pneumatology I & II (The Holy Spirit) - 6 credit hours - The characteristics of the Holy Spirit and exactly who He is.
**textbook required - Living with the advantage, Bishop Corletta J. Vaughn*
**The Essential Guide to the Power of the Holy Spirit, Randy Clark**
BIB - 4035 Christology - Study Jesus Christ - 3 credit hours - his course presents the person and work of Jesus Christ from His pre-existence to His Second Coming. Thus, acquainting the students with the major doctrines of Jesus Christ, while focusing on the centrality of Jesus Christ in all that Christianity teaches, believes, and practices.
BIB - 4036 Doctrine of Eschatology Christology - Last things - 3 credit hours - Eschatology is the study of the doctrine or teachings in the Bible concerning the end times, the return of Christ and the events that follow.
BIB - 4037 Old Testament Survey Part 1 - 3 credit hours - Explores the exciting times of ancient Israel. It includes topics such as the patriarchs, Israel’s trek to the Promised Land, David’s reign, Solomon’s kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, the exile, and the return from captivity.
BIB - 4038 Old Testament Survey Part 2 - 3 credit hours – Explores Job - Malachi
BIB - 4039 New Testament Survey - 3 credit hours - central theme-the person of Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles in chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
BIB - 4040 Living the Christ-like Life - 3 credit hours - Taking Off & Putting On - central theme is the basis for Paul's practical Instructions in his letter to the Colossians.
BIB - 4041 The Blood Covenant – (Author David Chapman) 3 credit hours - This courses teaches about blood covenant rituals and how God revealed His covenant Adam, Abraham, Moses, and the prophets as a picture of the blood of the everlasting covenant He made for us with the Lord Jesus Christ.
BIB - 4042 Homiletics - Interpreting and Applying the Bible. - 3 credit hours - This course introduces you to the principles and processes of biblical interpretation and application. Emphasis will be placed on both theory and practice. Within the framework of an exegetical method, you will learn to apply basic principles to selected passages from the Old and New Testaments.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies Track - 120 credit hours
BIB - 4023 Origins of the Bible – (3 credit hours) - Historically tracing and references of the original of the biblical canon. Students will gain insight and a great respect on the process of selecting the books of the bible (canon).
BIB - 4024 Doctrine of Man - 3 credit hours - This doctrine is not just restricted to Christianity but other religions recognize that because of this act of disobedience, man was separated from God, his creator.
BIB - 4025 Doctrine of Repentance - 3 credit hours - This course notes the significance of Godly repentance (turning from sin) and provides evidence that this act of submission and humility must happen before anyone can successfully move forward in a relationship with God. Without repentance there is still a separation between God and His creation.
BIB - 4026 Doctrine of Faith - I.- 3 credit hours - The Importance of the doctrine, it’s definition, in the Word of God, and in Prayer.
BIB - 4027 Doctrine of Regeneration - 3 credit hours - Regeneration/New Birth -. Its’ nature.
BIB - 4028 Doctrine of Justification - 3 credit hours - meaning, scripturally, pardon, and methods.
BIB - 4029 Doctrine of Adoption - 3 credit hours - The meaning of adoption – etymologically, scripturally, the time of adoption, and eternal.
BIB - 4030 Doctrine of Sanctification - 3 credit hours - Sanctification - its meaning, when it takes place, dedication unto God, used of the divine nature, instant, progressive, and complete.
BIB - 4031 Doctrine of Prayer - 3 credit hours - Scriptures reveal the large and important place which the doctrine of Prayer. The Christian life cannot be sustained without it; it is the Christian's vital breath. Its importance is seen when we recall: That the neglect of prayer is grievous to the Lord (Isa. 43:21, 22; 64:6, 7, R. V.). That many evils in life are to be attributed to the lack of prayer (Zeph. 1:4-6; Dan. 9:13, 14, cf. Hosea 7:13, 14; 8:13, 14).
BIB - 4032 Doctrine of the Scripture – 3 credit hours - I. NAMES AND TITLES. II. INSPIRATION, 3. VIEWS, 4. The claims of the scriptures. 5. THE CHARACTER (OR DEGREES) OF INSPIRATION.
BIB - 4033 Doctrine of the Church - 3 credit hours - I. Definitions/Distinctions II. the Founding of the Church, III. Membership in the Church, IV. The Church is Presented, V. The Ordinances of the Church, VI.
BIB - 4034 Doctrine of Pneumatology I & II (The Holy Spirit) - 3 credit hours - The characteristics of the Holy Spirit and exactly who He is.
BIB - 4035 Christology - Study Jesus Christ - 3 credit hours - his course presents the person and work of Jesus Christ from His pre-existence to His Second Coming. Thus, acquainting the students with the major doctrines of Jesus Christ, while focusing on the centrality of Jesus Christ in all that Christianity teaches, believes, and practices.
BIB - 4036 Doctrine of Eschatology Christology - Last things - 3 credit hours - Eschatology is the study of the doctrine r teachings in the Bible concerning the end times, the return of Christ and the events that follow.
BIB - 4037 Old Testament Survey Part 1 - 3 credit hours - Explores the exciting times of ancient Israel. It includes topics such as the patriarchs, Israel’s trek to the Promised Land, David’s reign, Solomon’s kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, the exile, and the return from captivity.
BIB - 4038 Old Testament Survey Part 2 - 3 credit hours – Explores Job - Malachi
BIB - 4039 New Testament Survey - 3 credit hours - central theme-the person of Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles in chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
BIB - 4040 Living the Christ-like Life - 3 credit hours - Taking Off & Putting On - central theme is the basis for Paul's practical Instructions in his letter to the Colossians.
BIB - 4041 The Blood Covenant – (Author David Chapman) 3 credit hours - This courses teaches about blood covenant rituals and how God revealed His covenant Adam, Abraham, Moses, and the prophets as a picture of the blood of the everlasting covenant He made for us with the Lord Jesus Christ.
BIB - 4042 Homiletics - Interpreting and Applying the Bible. - 3 credit hours - This course introduces you to the principles and processes of biblical interpretation and application. Emphasis will be placed on both theory and practice. Within the framework of an exegetical method, you will learn to apply basic principles to selected passages from the Old and New Testaments.
BIB - 4043 Paul’s Letters -3 credit hours - This course presents how to be right with God, yourself, and others.
BIB – 4044 - All the Prophets – (3 cr. Hours) - An introduction of nine different translations of the Bible. None of the translations differ on content communicated nor affect the accompanying commentary. John R. Cross- Good Seed International. Kindle Edition.
BIB – 4045 - Romans – (3 cr. Hours) - Paul’s letter to the Romans is an inspired masterpiece of doctrine highlighting God’s grace, truth, and redemption. Within its pages, the apostle shares his message of good news and eternal salvation with the church, advises believers on theological truths, gives practical applications for living the Christian life, and shows how God’s righteousness comes by grace alone through faith in Christ. The book of Romans underscores that Christianity is far more than just a doctrine—it is an essential road map for daily living. John McArthur – Kindle Edition
BIB – 4046 – Written Communication – (3 cr. Hours) - This course teaches how to write reports, sermons, and reviews thesis and dissertation preparation.
BIB – 4047 – The Parable of Jesus – (3 cr. Hours) – This course is an indebt study of the parables of Jesus.
BIB – 4048 - Biblical Beliefs – (3 cr. Hours)- The course teaches what lead to the early church's success. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
BIB – 4049 – Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity - (3 cr. Hours) - Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help you become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
BIB – 4050 – Church History - (3 cr. Hours) - This course covers four major periods of church history: The Ancient Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church, and The Modern Church. The focus of this study is to gain perspective, both comforting and challenging, to many current issues faced today. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
BIB – 4051 – Christian Ethics – (3 cr. Hours) - This book explores a synthesis, viewed through the lens of Scripture, to formulate a strategy for today to distinguish between ethics and morals.
BIB – 4052 – Understanding Music & Worship - (3 cr. Hours) - The Understanding Music & Worship course focuses on the important role of music and worship in the life of the church. It provides a historical overview of music and worship, biblical foundations for both, and practical instruction on how to renew both in the local church. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
BIB – 4053 – Understanding Teaching - (3 cr. Hours) - Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
BIB – 4055 – Your Ministry of Evangelism - (3 cr. Hours) – This course covers the biblical foundations of evangelism, conversion and regeneration, how to lead a person to a decision for Christ, age-specific techniques, team efforts, visitation, disciple new believers, and the importance of prayer in the entire process of evangelism. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition
CHT – 5503 - Creation Therapy - 18 credit hours – See prerequisite description
DOMV - 5401 - 6 credit hours - See perquisite description
BIB – 4054 – World Missions - (3 cr. Hours) – This course provides an overview of missions which will inspire you to pray for, work for, and give to missions as well as compel others to do the same. Evangelical Training Association - Kindle Edition